10 Online Courses you can Create as a Mom
Imagine this - you’re at a play date with a friend & her littles, iced coffee in hand while watching your kid(s) play. Your phone dings and you look down to see an email notification that looks something like:
“Your funds are on the way: A payout for $1725.57 is on its way”
The next day? You’re winding down for the evening, red wine in hand & sitting on the couch typing out a blog post - ding.
“Your funds are on the way: A payout for $1289.22 is on its way”
You might be wondering - how the heck do I get these emails in my inbox?!
While it seems too good to be true, I receive emails like this on a regular basis and it is from my online course sales 💥
What is an Online Course?
An online course is a virtual program you can create and sell. There are SO many options for making an online course these days and I wanted to give you some specific guidance on how YOU can make this happen as a mama!
Examples of an Online Course or Program:
VA Bootcamp: 6 weeks (or less) to Starting your Virtual Assistant Business - this is my online course that teaches women how to start their own business from home as a Virtual Assistant!
Fit Pregnancy Program: The Ultimate 42-Week Program for the Mama who wants to stay active throughout her pregnancy!
These are just two very different examples of an online program that was created to guide women in a very specific topic!
Click here to download my FREE 5 Step Guide to Outline & Launch your online course
Who can Create an Online Course?
Even if you have no business background, do NOT worry and keep reading 😘 Here’s the thing - anyone (yes anyone!) can create an online course - it’s just a matter of what you will create & how you will market it!
Keep in mind that when you are brainstorming about what you can teach, your program only needs to cover Step A to Step B. We get so caught up in thinking we need to get people from A > Z that we overthink it all and never make it happen. Bite size pieces and step-by-step is KEY!
you have the ability to make money from home.
Keep reading for 10 Specific Course Ideas you could create from home!
What should my Online Course be?
I know it can be scary to think about teaching something to someone. We hesitate because we think we have nothing to teach or put too much pressure on it needing to be this extravagant idea - but I’m going to give you 10 ideas right here and now that you likely are qualified to create & teach!
10 Online Courses you can Create as a Mom:
How to Grocery Shop (on a budget) for a Large Family
Living Room Workout Program for Busy Moms
Summer Activity Program for your Elementary Age Kids
Creating a Thriving Toddler Routine for Work from Home Moms
Keeping the Spark Alive in your Marriage (Post Kids!)
Create & Keep an Organized Home with Kids
How to Successfully Begin your Network Marketing Business
Mama’s Wardrobe: The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe for a Stay at Home Mom
How to Support your Husband in his 9-5 as a Want-to-be-Present Dad
Emotional Healing for the Postpartum-Traumatized Mom
Phew! Did any of those spark your interest or make you think - Hey, I can create that! Those ideas are just from my mind as a mama who would love to purchase ANY of those courses!
How do I Publish & Market an Online Course?
Pick a Platform:
There are SO many great options out there for platforms to host your online course, but my personal favorite and the ONLY one I recommend is Kajabi. It truly is the ultimate platform that allows you to not only create a structured, high quality course - but it also has memberships, community & email marketing options! You can use my link to get a free trial & start playing around with it!
On this platform, you will upload any training videos, PDF downloads, guides, etc!
Marketing your Course:
If you pick a topic that everyone is already asking you about - there is no reason your first 5-10 customers won’t just be word-of-mouth right off the bat! If your friends are asking you about your wardrobe, create a course on it & let them know it’s available!
Outside of personal contacts - social media is your BEST FRIEND! 🤳🏼 Let’s be honest - it is the most accessible & FREE form of marketing these days… take advantage of it :) Think about where your ideal customer hangs out & focus there!
Your Next Step:
I created a very specific, FREE Guide for you on how to Outline & Launch your Online Course! Plug and play to get more detailed on what your next step is as an Online Course Creator! 😍
And for 10 more course ideas, click here!
xo Helen
Helen Peterson is a work-from-home mom who has established herself in the online business industry as a Virtual Assistant & Launch Strategy Specialist. Along with helping her clients with launch strategy & successfully creating & selling their online courses, she also coaches other women in starting their own Virtual Assistant business (regardless of their current career path).
Her passion stems from guiding women into living the life they've always dreamt of with no financial boundaries & the flexibility to live & travel the way they want to.
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