How Technology Impacts Productivity
I can almost bet that you’re reading this blog on your phone or with your phone nearby. It’s probably dinging with texts and other notifications - maybe even a phone call (do you love or hate when people call you? I had a funny conversation with a friend about this recently!). Technology is amazing in so many ways - heck it’s allowed me to build a 6-fig business from home - and it’s literally everywhere! But it’s also a major distraction.
Do you ever wonder how much technology is distracting you from work, family time, self care, real conversations…? I am the first one to admit that technology can be a major distraction for me. My phone is almost always buzzing with multiple texts from my friends (and my mom 😂). There’s usually at least one baby monitor on, my laptop is open, and chances are there’s a show on in the background too. Ha!
Obviously our technology is necessary and SO useful in many ways, but at what point does it become a distraction where we need to set some boundaries?
Here are some of my favorite tips (and things I remind myself of all the time) for setting healthy boundaries with technology:
Treat working on your business as if you are working with co-workers. You wouldn’t just randomly keep scrolling your phone during a conference meeting right? So set boundaries around your work space. Obviously this is much easier said than done - but do your best to create work hours for yourself! Especially when you want to check multiple things off the list for upcoming deadlines. In these moments, put your phone away, turn off the TV & get down to work.
Stop multitasking: We are MUCH more productive when we don’t try to multitask. As women, we are damn good at multitasking - but it does decrease our productivity. There are real life moments where we need to multitask - i.e. cooking dinner & watching our kiddos! But in a work scenario, it’s best to just focus on one task at a time. So pick the task and finish it before moving on to something else. I’m the queen at finishing something halfway and beginning something else… working on this!
Start by checking off the quick “to do’s”: I know some people swear by doing the hardest task first, but I have recently found that if I make a quick list and check off a few things first that will only take me about 15 minutes each, I feel like Super Woman. And then it clears my brain for the big task that is coming next.
Take time away from screens: I try to do this most first thing in the morning and then last thing in the evening. Put the phone away and spend time with your husband, do a workout, read a book, take a bath, etc. Be with your thoughts and emotions. I have found I get the best ideas when I simply let myself BE.
Seems pretty doable, right? It definitely takes some practice, and I don’t get it right every day, but keeping my technology use in check has made me a way more productive entrepreneur - and honestly, a happier and less stressed mama!
If you’re looking for some accountability, I’ve got a free guide to help you out. Just click here and get ready to “find” more time in your day!
xo Helen
Helen Peterson is a work-from-home mom who has established herself in the online business industry as a Virtual Assistant & Launch Strategy Specialist. Along with helping her clients with launch strategy & successfully creating & selling their online courses, she also coaches other women in starting their own Virtual Assistant business (regardless of their current career path).
Her passion stems from guiding women into living the life they've always dreamt of with no financial boundaries & the flexibility to live & travel the way they want to.