Create a Clutter-Free Environment as a Work-from-Home Mama

Visual clutter = Mental clutter

Ever sit down at your desk to work and feel overwhelmed because of the excess of toys, jackets or shoes on the floor? It's like you want to work… but the mess around you wants to take priority 😅

Here's the thing - that's a valid feeling! When we have clutter around us, it makes our mental space also feel unorganized and messy! Obviously our homes with little kids will never be totally clean - but there is a way to feel more organized and less overwhelmed as a mama who shares her office and home space! 

I recently started clearing out corners of our house from older toys, newer toys our kids don't ever play with (hello Facebook Marketplace) and even baby carriers, the fancy swaddles, etc that we no longer have a need for! It's been a game changer for my mental health & has left us with some extra cash too!

So here are my top tips after experiencing this for myself these past few months!


Five Steps to Creating a Clutter-Free Environment

  1. Make a Plan

Set yourself up for success and make a plan before you dive in. Schedule a realistic block of time (maybe while the baby is napping or your kiddos are at school!) and tackle one space at a time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with an easy space like the kitchen “junk” drawer. You can work your way up to bigger projects like kids toys and your jammed closet. Also, keep in mind this an ongoing project with no "end result." Once I accepted that, I've had a lot more fun clearing spaces in my home! There's no finish line, especially as your kiddos continue to grow and OUTgrow clothes/toys.

2. Sort, Sort, Sort

This is the time to be honest with yourself. If you haven’t worn something in a year, what is the point of saving it for that “just in case” occasion? Think about what brings you joy, what you use regularly, and what’s just taking up space in your home. Divide everything you no longer need/want into three piles - trash, donate, sell/consign.

3. Out with the Old

This might be the most challenging part of all. Don’t drive around with your donation bags in your car for six months - ha! Find a local donation center and drive it there right away. Then take pictures of everything you want to sell and get comfortable with Facebook Marketplace and/or other online shops like Poshmark or OfferUp. There are a lot of opportunities to make money back on the things your kids have outgrown! 

4. Get Organized

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the clutter, it’s time to organize everything else. Measure your storage areas and take a trip to the store to find smart organizers that maximize your space. (Here are some amazing toy storage ideas! Bonus points if you use your label maker.) But it doesn't need to be fancy I'd that's know you! Big wicker baskets that look nice, also store a lot of toys/trucks. Keep 1-3 in your main play area so you can just do a quick pick-up and dump all of those weird sized things in!

When everything has a dedicated place in your home (even a big basket counts), you’ll spend more of your time doing what you want instead of searching for what you need! 

5. Enjoy & Maintain

Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the peace that a clutter-free environment brings. Then commit to doing a purge every few months to make sure you’re staying on top of the mess and avoiding a future breakdown. 😉

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