Redefining Productivity for Moms

As moms, we may have begun to believe that we can't have it all, but I'm here to tell you that it is possible to reach your goals and enjoy having little kids! It's going to look different now than it ever did before, but if you shift your perspective, you'll realize you are able to pursue your passions while raising your littles.

Your kids deserve your attention, but so do your personal and career goals.

It's all a matter of planning, changing your mindset and tangibly creating a life of chaotic calm. Let me explain…


Productivity at different stages of motherhood

Recently, some of my mama besties and I were chatting about the comparison trap that we often find ourselves in. Even when you’re surrounded by women who are cheering you on and supportive no matter what, it’s easy to make yourself feel “less than.” 

Did I spend enough time with my kids today? Did I do enough fun activities? Did they spend too much time in front of a screen?

You may think that everyone else is juggling motherhood so much better than you, but that’s only from the outside looking in. Let’s recognize that we are all on our own paths with our own strengths and capacities. Our bandwidth and productivity will ebb and flow throughout our years of early motherhood - and that’s okay!

Get comfortable with a flexible routine

I’m a huge fan of time blocking, but I’ve also learned that kids don’t care about my perfectly scheduled day. Someone might be sick or take a short nap or need extra snuggles when I “should” be working. Rather than judging myself for what didn’t get done, I choose to focus on what I can control. 

On the days I have childcare, I pack my schedule with calls and work that requires more brain power. On the days that I’m working during nap time, I plan on a more relaxed schedule and shrink my to-do list waaayyy down. That way, if something comes up (even something fun like an unexpected play date!), I can say yes and let go of the stress of not sticking to a strict schedule.

Set Expectations & Ask for Help!

When it comes to running a successful business and being a present mama, communication is key! You have to be able to communicate your needs to your partner/friends/support village. 

If you need your husband to watch the kids on Saturday mornings while you go to the coffee shop and work without interruption - ask for it!

 If a friend offers to bring you dinner on an especially busy week - say yes!

If you need help packing lunches to avoid the morning rush - say so!

I’m not perfect at this, but I’ve come a long way and feel good about how  I’m able to communicate my needs as a mama and entrepreneur to my husband, friends, and family. Raising kids truly takes a village, and it’s important to share the load. I recently sent a text to my in-laws who live a few hours away to request help during the kids' week off of preschool due to a school break. I recognize, I just need to ask! 

And don’t forget to schedule in time to take care of you! Pouring into your own cup will actually help you be more productive - I promise! For me, this looks like moving my body, eating healthy meals, reading a good book, and closing my computer in the evening to enjoy time with my husband.

Most of all, stop putting so much pressure on yourself, and have fun with the day-to-day messiness. You’re doing great, Mama!

If this is resonating with you, and you’re ready to gain control over your daily routine & truly enjoy the balance of motherhood and career, Abundant Motherhood is for you! Abundant Motherhood is a series of bite-sized videos you can watch in one afternoon that will teach you how to simultaneously slow down and be more productive as a busy mom. Join the waitlist here!

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