How Much Does a Virtual Assistant Make? (And other FAQs about my biz!)

When it comes to my business, I’m basically an open book. I love chatting in my inbox and DMs with other mamas, entrepreneurs, and VA Bootcamp students about all.the.things. I’ve rounded up some of the most frequently asked questions so you can get the inside scoop on what it’s really like to be a Virtual Assistant and mama!


How much money do you make as a Virtual Assistant?

I hit six figures with my business in 2020 - just 1.5 years after launching. I started out as an admin Virtual Assistant, doing mostly hourly work. Since then, I have niched down my specialty, and am now focused on supporting high level CEOs through digital marketing and business/project management. I also have passive income streams through my online course sales! 

How many hours do you work in a week?

I only have two days of childcare for my kids, so on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am hustling. I use all my productivity hacks (more on that in a minute) and get a ton of work done. The other days I’ll sneak in work while my youngest naps and my oldest plays independently (though I get interrupted frequently for snacks, activity switching, etc!) I also spend most Saturday mornings working at my favorite coffee shop while my husband enjoys some 1-1 time with the kids. 

Where do you find your clients?

This can be the hardest part about being a Virtual Assistant - but trust me when I say - there are so many clients in need out there!

Clients can be found online (social media groups, business pages, email marketing, etc), through personal connections, and through reaching out to local businesses. 

The first step is identifying your ideal client then you do your research (Where do they hang out? How does their business work?) and make connections! And I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The best way to find new clients is through referrals from other happy clients! Once you get your feet wet, I’ve found that your business will really grow organically. 

I chat more about finding your ideal client in my Accelerated VA guide (the best place to start if you’re just curious!), and dive deep in VA Bootcamp. If you are part of my VA Bootcamp community - you have lifetime access to my private Facebook group. This is where I post job opportunities, provide regular information about growing your business, plus you will have ongoing support from other amazing VA Bootcamp grads!

Landing your ideal clients may seem like the most daunting piece of starting your business - but keep in mind, you only need 1-5 clients to make a full time income as a VA. It's pretty amazing! 

How do you balance work and mom life?

If you’re a work from home mama like me, you’re always striving to find that balance and to schedule in work between naps, snacks, and snuggles. Being productive with your limited time is KEY in making your business a success (and staying sane!). 

Personally, I have been trying to fine tune my routine to reach a higher quality of productivity. I used to think multitasking and trying extra hard to cross multiple things off my list at once was the "most productive" - but I've realized it doesn't really work that way. Instead, I regularly use these three productivity hacks, and I feel way more focused and less scattered.

Ultimately, there is no “perfect balance” - it’s always a give and take. The most important thing is setting up healthy boundaries and giving yourself grace when things don’t go exactly as planned. Mom life, right?

What other questions do you have for me? My DMs are always open - let’s chat!

Want to learn more about how I got started and what my business looks like? Watch this free mini course, a 30 minute video training where I dive deep!

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