New Year’s Intentions for a WFH Mama
I launched my business in 2019 because I was ready to create my own schedule and spend more time with our newborn daughter. I now have two littles and my business has grown more than I ever dreamed! Being a work from home mama has truly changed everything for our family. But it can also consume you if you’re not intentional about caring for yourself. Boundaries between work life and home life can easily blur and keep you from ever truly resting and recharging. Let’s hold each other accountable for taking care of US this year.
Three New Year’s Intentions for a Work from Home Mama
Speak to Yourself with Love: Our words to ourselves hold so much power. After I had my second baby, I noticed that negative thoughts were creeping up on me all the time, and I started feeling stuck in this loop. While I don’t want to minimize the hardships we all go through (believe me, I’ve been there too!), I do want to challenge you to recognize when your self-talk is damaging and begin to flip the script.
Pinpoint the biggest negative phrases you tell yourself, and change them into a positive version. Write down these new, positive phrases and stick them on your bathroom mirror. Repeat them to yourself each morning and throughout the days when you find the negative self-talk creeping in.
A simple example is: I am so tired.
Change to: I have the energy I need for today.
2. Invest in Yourself Daily: This could mean anything from investing in your health to your business. Tony Robbins says that, “Energy flows where attention goes.” And this is so true! As mamas, we often put our own priorities last, but that’s truly the opposite of what our family needs. A happy, healthy mama is the best gift you can give to yourself AND your littles.
I’m challenging you to find ways to pour back into yourself every day. For me, this looks like moving my body, eating healthy meals, reading a good book, and investing our money in things that will help my business grow (like an online course or a mastermind!). I don’t do all of those things every day, but I do at least one of them. Think about big and small ways that you can care for yourself and commit to making them a part of your daily routine.
3. Practice a Mindset of Abundance: One of my favorite mantras is, “I create abundance with ease.” I won’t sugarcoat this - being a work from home mama does take work. But oftentimes the biggest barrier to growing our business has nothing to do with juggling kids and busy schedules. It usually has more to do with us and a mindset of scarcity.
Not enough time.
Not enough money.
Not enough energy.
This ends up sabotaging all of our efforts and keeping us stuck in the status quo. Rewiring your brain to think in terms of abundance instead of scarcity takes work, but it pays off in so many ways. If you’re curious about how to get started with changing your mindset, I have a free, live workshop that can help with this!
And in the midst of school drop-offs, wiping runny noses, and potty training (eeek!), I hope you can take a few moments to sit back and appreciate the beautiful life you’re creating. You are one amazing mama, and I’m cheering for you!
xo Helen
Helen Peterson is a work-from-home mom who has established herself in the online business industry as a Virtual Assistant & Launch Strategy Specialist. Along with helping her clients with launch strategy & successfully creating & selling their online courses, she also coaches other women in starting their own Virtual Assistant business (regardless of their current career path).
Her passion stems from guiding women into living the life they've always dreamt of with no financial boundaries & the flexibility to live & travel the way they want to.