How to Change Your Money Mindset

Let’s dig into something that might make you feel a little awkward… MONEY.

What was your first memory around money? 

How did your parents talk (or not!) about money when you were growing up?

My parents immigrated from Russia when my mom was pregnant with me. They had three kids and another on the way, yet they picked up and moved to create a better life for us in the U.S. - something I am forever grateful for.

This move didn't come without financial hardship though and my family lived paycheck to paycheck for many years. I grew up hearing my parents talk about financial struggles and overheard many of their fears.

I didn't realize how much this impacted me until I started dating my husband. We had such different financial views and beliefs, and mine were very much shaped by the fears I heard from my parents.

It took time for me to accept and believe that my story didn't have to be the same as my parents. They changed everything for us so it wouldn't have to be! 

Guess what? You CHOOSE how to view money. You also choose how to treat your relationship with it . 

Did you know being afraid of money is actually the main cause of being unable to make it?

So many of us treat money as this faraway thing that is hard to get, hard to keep & let's be honest - hard to spend. We hold so much "value" around it, that we are unable to enjoy the purpose of it! 

If we flip our mindset to treat money as a gateway to a goal or experience of something we want to achieve, everything becomes different.

Money is a transaction - that's it! But if you are afraid of it and you believe it is difficult to make... that will become your reality.

Three Affirmations to Start Telling Yourself about Money:

  • My life is abundant & I have more than enough money

  • I can purchase everything that I need

  •  I deserve to live the lifestyle I want to


Now - does this mean you can go spend every dollar you have & just expect more to appear? Obviously not! But when we flip our mindset to stop treating money like it is on some pedestal, we stop giving it the power to control our every action. If you’re ready to dive deeper, be sure to check out my Money Mindset Workshop (just $11 and packed with practical tips!) and my Motherhood, Mindset & Money Journal to help you hit goals, reach financial milestones you didn't think were possible and feel more like the YOU you may have lost in the thick of motherhood. See you inside!

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