How to Hit Your First $5K Month
Scaling your business from a couple of small contracts to a full time income can seem like a huge leap, especially at the start. But it’s fully possible to turn your part time side hustle into a career - these ladies are proof of that!
If hitting those $5K months seems out of reach right now, then let me share some real life examples of how you can diversify your offerings and level up your business to hit your first $5K month:
Choose a specialty: I started my VA biz doing general admin work, but I quickly learned that I was trading away too much of my time for not enough money. You can dive more into choosing your specialty here!
Review your offerings: Once you’ve gained experience as a Virtual Assistant, it’s important to adjust your prices and packages to reflect your skills and value. Once you’ve decided on your niche, you can craft package options that allow for both ongoing retainer work as well as higher ticket, project-based work (like VIP days).
Believe in yourself: So often, the biggest thing standing in the way of your business growing is YOU! Never underestimate the power of your mind and its impact on your success. If you’re living in a scarcity mindset and not opening yourself up to growth, you're crippling your business and any chance at greater success. (I talk all about this here!)
The breakdown of your $5K month income could look something like this:
Retainer Clients: These are the clients who have you on contract each month to complete a set amount of tasks or work a set amount of hours.
Client A: $500 for Email Marketing
Client B: $750 for General Admin
Client C: $2400 for Project Management
= $3,650/month
Project or Specialty Contracts: As you gain skills and learn, you can add a specialty to your list of services - trust me, this comes so much more naturally than you think! I literally fell into my specialty of online courses! There are endless, FREE resources out there (like this one!) to teach you how to do these high-level tasks.
Example A: one-time project for set up of an online course including:
- Kajabi product setup, thumbnails creation, uploading of videos, plug & play for PDF worksheets
= $1,400
Example B: Social Media Manager for a Day (VIP DAY!!) - create content calendar, graphics, captions & story templates for a client's whole quarter (using their library of content)
= $1,400
^^ there are so many more options for something project-based like this, but I just wanted to give some quick examples
TOTAL: $5,000
Now you know it can be done, so the rest is up to you. I’m cheering for you and can’t wait to watch you take your business to the next level!
xo Helen
Helen Peterson is a work-from-home mom who has established herself in the online business industry as a Virtual Assistant & Launch Strategy Specialist. Along with helping her clients with launch strategy & successfully creating & selling their online courses, she also coaches other women in starting their own Virtual Assistant business (regardless of their current career path).
Her passion stems from guiding women into living the life they've always dreamt of with no financial boundaries & the flexibility to live & travel the way they want to.